This is a generation which listens through its eyes, but for many people the Bible is difficult to understand. The best way for people to understand is through video which makes the Bible come alive in its original culture and also explains its spiritual message for us today. Open the Bible Project. The proposal is for IMM to produce a video library of dramatic biblical re-enactments to be used by several AGWM ministries partnering to create this project. Enough material will be produced in this video library to create 13 half-hour programs suitable for broadcast or DVD. The programs can be viewed individually or as a series. The approach is broadly chronological. For example, the letters of Paul will be placed within the context of his missionary journeys, so the viewer will understand where and why they were written. The programs will be a library of ready-made video material for the partnering ministries. The concept of this video series brings together the ideas and experience of numerous Assemblies of God World Missions ministries such as Global University, Life Publishers, Network 211 and IMM. The ministries will use these incredible video tools for purposes such as Global University interactive courses, Fire Bible inserts, Network 211 internet video streaming, IMM broadcast and podcasting, and Book of Hope follow-up discipleship materials. Languages other than English would be produced via a virtual studio. Major languages under consideration are English, Spanish, Arabic, Mandarin, Russian and French. Northern Asia also wants this product and envisions its widespread use. The Pilot: The Gospel of Matthew. It will be a half-hour television program anchored by a presenter, with dramatic re-enactments. This will ensure a visually rich presentation that will attract not only those already interested in biblical studies, but also a general audience. Imagine someone watching either a DVD or Christian broadcast of a segment of Open the Bible. Suddenly the Bible comes alive with vivid images. It’s not just a movie, but it’s a systematic overview of the New Testament. Biblical places and events are shown and dramatized with actors in the right settings; the whole flow of the New Testament comes together. The pilot cost is partially subsidized by the use of dramatic biblical footage already produced by IMM. The remaining production cost of the pilot is $80,000. The pilot will serve as a tangible demonstration of the wide-reaching scope of the entire Open the Bible project.